Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I am grateful to the Rotary Club of Irvine for sponsoring me as a GSE team member to Finland. During the trip, I will be studying municipal government and, at the same time, be promoting the wonders of living in beautiful Southern California.

Our fantastic team of five has been working together in finalizing travel plans, polishing our presentations, and preparing our hearts and minds for the trip of a lifetime.

Once April 7 arrives, Dani, Michelle, Teresa, Steve, and I will be posting often. Check back soon!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Prepping for the big trip!

In a little less than two months we set off for our big adventure in Finland as part of Rotary International's last group study exchange! To say that I am excited is an understatement, the experience is sure to be one that I will remember for the rest of my life.

Since being chosen for the trip, I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know the team members: Danielle, Michelle and Weiping and our group leader, Steve.  Each team member brings something unique to our group.  From various cultural backgrounds and vocations, our team has a little of everything! Future blog posts are sure to reveal more information about the team.

Prepping for the trip has been our main focus in meetings and email correspondence.  Everything from medical clearance, insurance and current passports are required before departure.  I can finally say that. Have everything together and ready to go! : )

The only worry I have is PACKING! Packing for a month long trip is a daunting task and I always seem to forget something.  Making a packing list is definitely in my future.  I have also started making some purchases including: a new passport holder and new travel backpack
with an iPad sleeve inside.

So far everything is going well.  I will update periodically! : )

Until next time,
Teresa James

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Reunited And It Feels So Good

Happy Valentine's Day!  Today, I attended the Orange Rotary Club's weekly Thursday lunch meeting from 12:00 to 1:30pm.  Prior to driving to the location of the meeting (Grand Catered Events located at 300 S. Flower St., Orange, CA, 92868), I met with my former boss, current friend, Rotarian since I've known him (May 2006), etc. Joseph Hagler, President of Hagler Financial Services (HFS), Inc. at his office to carpool together.

After parking, Joe "introduced" me to Phil Hummel, an attorney/Orange Rotary member.  He and I both felt like we had met before, most likely thanks to Bar Association events (I'm an attorney too).  Upon entering, we saw Tito Parola, past president 1992-1993 and current GSE Program Chair. While making small talk, I all of a sudden heard a women yell my name.  To my delight, the voice belonged to Gayle Merino, who I could not help but hug.  Later, I reconnected with another Orange Rotarian, then another...  You see, during my tenure as Operations Manager at HFS, Inc., I had the pleasure of meeting numerous Rotarians.

After Tito introduced me as his guest and as the GSE Team member--I am honored and grateful to state--Orange Rotary is sponsoring for Finland, the program continued with tales of love.  Thereafter, Orange Lutheran High choral singers serenaded Orange Rotarians and guests.

It was a pleasure to meet current club president Ron Lacey.  It was also a pleasure to see Jim Lorman, District 5320 Governor.  I'm proud to say his member club is Orange Rotary.  Plus he worked for the Irvine Company, known to all UCI alums, which I can proudly say I am.  The program was fantastic, the company even better, and the re-connections and new connections just touched my heart immensely. 

Tito, thank you very much for welcoming me as your guest, buying my lunch and introducing me to your Valentine, your sweet wife.  Joe and Holly, always a pleasure when we get together.  Phil Hummel, I'll be in touch.  Gayle and Mike congrats on your wedding anniversary.  To all the other Orange Rotarians, it was either very nice to have met you or reconnect with you again after a few years.  I look forward to seeing you all again!